I had my portfolio review yesterday afternoon and I wasn't sure how it went. I rushed through my 15 minutes and I didn't feel like I said everything that I wanted to say. I felt really numb after I came out and sat around for 2 hours with what felt like a hole in my brain.
Eventually I got my ass out of the building, bought a donut and a Sobe and took a nap to kill time. Because that night was going to be one of celebration for all of the hard work we did that year. It started with a movie with a handful of ID majors and then we hit the party put on by the juniors. It was Adobe themed, and it really kicked ass.
These are my presentation boards for the review. I was really self-conscious about how if I had taken away the second board, it would look like I was going into a review for illustration rather than industrial design... But I tried to get across that I have a specific set of skills that I can offer to a team of designers, and my experience with online artist communities have given me extra experience in giving and taking criticism (thanks, Eatpoo, C9, Conceptart, and apedogs!). I'm super-excited and I'm looking forward to working with my classmates next fall.
I'd like to thank my classmates for working so hard and sharing their discoveries, skills, and supplies; the juniors and seniors for helping so much and sharing their insights, my professors for putting together such an awesome program, and especially my friends and family for supporting me and keeping me sane and helping out in whatever way they knew how. It means a lot to me.