A lot's happened since my last post, both good and bad. It's been almost two full quarters of school, and within those a relationship, spring break, a breakup, a trip to Denver, my 21st birthday, a breakdown, random adventures, and a general reevaluation of myself and where I am and where I want to go.
I'm not really sure what I think of these. My work hasn't been getting better or going anywhere. Probably due to the fact that I haven't been doing much art at all. It's been a very discouraging cycle. But, I'm planning on spending this summer doing a lot of art and getting back on track...
I got a new tiny Moleskine, for stealthy life drawing. It's small enough to fit in my back pocket, which helps counter the offset my gigantic wallet creates in the other pocket ((mostly full of punch cards, not cash.)
Something tells me I need a subject change. Maybe I'll spend some time getting back into real paints and watercolors, and try out a landscape. Or several. My life needs some color now. Bellingham's back to it's dreary old gray self again...