These are my final photos of my models from Sophomore ID 1. Almost right off the bat it became evident to me that I'm not as good at model-making as I thought I would be. I put a lot of time into projects that were flawed on a foundational level, and though I didn't have time to redo all of my mistakes, I feel like I can take a lot from what I learned here and apply it to the sequel class this spring. But really, I just need to start earlier on my assignments....
Foam core stool. Supports over 200 pounds (precariously-balanced, I might add...)
Fun foam "Wisp" beach shoe.
Polystyrene toothbrush.
Polyurethane shampoo and conditioner bottle set.
Aluminum tape dispenser
All of these pics were taken with a small Sony Cyber-shot, so nothing fancy here. It was nice to exercise those severely under-developed photograph muscles.
Stay posted for highlights from my CAD and hand-drawn rendering portfolios.
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